Christmas Time
Hi guys It's December 23rd, so tomorrow is Christmas Eve!!! I'm so excited and since November in Christmas mood 24/7! After Thanksgiving we already got a Christmas tree and decorated it. While we were doing that my host dad put on the Christmas lights outside the house. It looks amazing and it's something I will miss back in Switzerland because not every house has decorations up and it just doesn't look that beautiful. During December I walked a few times home when it was dark and it's wonderful how the houses are literally shining and it feels like a big beautiful "Winter Wonderland" I got all Christmas presents in November, so I wasn't in a hurry at all and could just enjoy the most beautiful time of the year. I made a advent calendar for my host family and I loved to see that they really enjoyed eating something sweet everyday:) I can't wait to give my presents to them and it's different for me this year because I'm used to ...