
Es werden Posts vom Dezember, 2017 angezeigt.

Christmas Time

Hi guys It's December 23rd, so tomorrow is Christmas Eve!!! I'm so excited and since November in Christmas mood 24/7! After Thanksgiving we already got a Christmas tree and decorated it. While we were doing that my host dad put on the Christmas lights outside the house. It looks amazing and it's something I will miss back in Switzerland because not every house has decorations up and it just doesn't look that beautiful. During December I walked a few times home when it was dark and it's wonderful how the houses are literally shining and it feels like a big beautiful "Winter Wonderland" I got all Christmas presents in November, so I wasn't in a hurry at all and could just enjoy the most beautiful time of the year. I made a advent calendar for my host family and I loved to see that they really enjoyed eating something sweet everyday:) I can't wait to give my presents to them and it's different for me this year because I'm used to ...

My schoolday

MY AMERICAN SCHOOL DAY My school day starts at 5.45am. My alarm rings and I really don't wanna wake up but I have to because I can't leave later than 6.40am. I wake up and put on some clothes after that I usually take my devices like my computer and my portable charger and put them in my backpack. I put most of my school stuff in my backpack the evening before because I want to sleep as long as possible. At 6.00am I try to go upstairs and take my lunch out of the fridge and prepare my breakfast. Everyday I eat something else, sometimes eggs, toast, rice cereals, smoothies or my favourite cereals Honey Nut Cheerios:) I prepare some snacks for the day and make myself coffee or tea to take on the way. When I'm done with that I go back downstairs and brush my teeth and check again everything and do some last minute things and my first alarm goes at 6.35am. It's the one to remind me that I have to go soon. I'm most of the time the only person who is awake so I really n...

soon four months down

six days until I'm here for four months... wow the last month past so fast, it's crazy how fast the time passes over here. My November was amazing especially when I had one week off and we went for some days to Winter Park in the mountains where I even went snowboarding two times! Later during break I celebrated my first American thanksgiving and had a great time with my host family. We played games, we went on walks in the snow and had just an awesome time. Thanksgiving is such a great holiday because you really think about what your thankful for. I made my first thanksgiving turkey on my own and went to Ikea. It's unbelievable how many things I already did since I'm here and I'm so excited for more!! The first semester of school is almost done! Two more weeks and one week of finals and that's it. What? Where did the time go? I learned so many things and even if I can't always agree with the American school system it's really cool to live that life fo...


Heimweh gehört schliesslich dazu und hätte man es nicht, wärs auch komisch.  Anfangs hatte ich keine Zeit um mir Gedanken über die Schweiz zu machen, weil alles neu war und ich total überwältigt war mit all diesen Eindrücken. Nach einer Zeit, als dann auch die Schule angefangen hat, habe ich mir zwischendurch wieder Gedanken über die Schweiz gemacht und das Heimweh hat angefangen, nicht stark aber einfach diese Sehnsucht nach der Heimat, den Freunden und den kleinen Angewohnheiten. Meine Gastfamilie ist total lieb aber anfangs war es halt doch nicht mein Zuhause und ich habe das gespürt. Vor allem wegen der Zeitverschiebung war es relativ schwierig für mich, weil der Tag in der Schweiz schon fertig war, wenn ich aufgestanden bin und ich dann Kontakt mit meinen Freunden hatte. Es brauchte eine Weile bis ich mich nicht mehr darum gekümmert habe und mein Leben hier leben konnte und die ganze Zeit and die Schweizer Zeit gebunden zu sein. Jeder Tag ist ein neuer und vor allem im ...