more than 6 months down

On February 10th was it half year down. It's a long time since I've seen my family and my friends and it's a long time I've spent here. A time with so many different and awesome adventures and a time I'm not gonna forget so fast. I feel good at this time of my journey but I really look forward to go back too. This month was a busy one. After school started again I had some changes relating to my schedule and some things changed in general.
Let's start with school: I had some issues with dropping my English LA Course. First of all you probably ask yourself why would she drop English? So, LA means Language Arts so you don't "learn" English like I used to in Switzerland. It's much more like a class where you read and analyse texts for example we read Lord of the Flies or short stories. I don't think I didn't learn anything, I surely did but I had issues with the people and the periods were just so boring. Thus, We, exchange students including me, asked my counsellor if there is a class where we could really look into grammar and our advanced vocabulary. She didn't really want us to change it and her mood was not good at all at that time. Two of my friends just dropped English afterwards and that's why I decided to go for it and drop it as well. However, the counsellors didn't let me drop it instead they told me I had to take another class because 10th graders, what I am, can't have an off period (free time during one of the seven periods), so I changed to Weights class, because after asking more than one time my counsellor told me it's like a gym session where you can work at machines and treadmill and others. She was definitely annoyed that I wanted to change my classes again and I knew that, however she made it clear that I have to enjoy this class and couldn't change anymore and I was sure I would enjoy it. 
When I finally got to Weights class though, there were no girls. Just boys. I was embarrassed and couldn't believe my counsellor didn't tell me about the HUGE FACT that only boys were in this class, which according to other American girls the counsellors would know exactly. It was horrible and I told my host mom about it and that I can't change anymore. My host mom then stood up for me and wrote e-mails to the counsellor and even vice principal of the High School. After a week forcing myself to go to that class, I finally got my off-period. Yes, it was a horrible week I tell you and for future exchange students: Please stand up for yourselves, it should be your year and if something is bothering you say it. My host mom taught me something about Americans. Americans don't just say no if you really want something and you should never take a no if you don't feel comfortable with something.... yes it was a big drama but thanks to my host mom I finally got my off-period!

So my new schedule looks like that:
1st period: Draw 1
2nd period: Spanish 1
3rd period: US History
4th period: TA German
5th period: Algebra 2
6th period: Off Period
7th period: French 4/5

This month, I also spent a looooooot of time with my friend Hannah, because she left us on February 3rd... we had three sleepovers in three weeks haha. I was unbelievably sad when she left us but now it's getting better. It was mostly the thought that we will never gonna attend this school together again and probably never gonna live together here again. I realised that the time is almost over and when I return to Switzerland it's never going to be the same again. 

This month we finally got a lot of snow which lasted for a while:)) 

and I just had a lot of fun with my international friends:) 

I'm so glad they are here too!
And on February 10th, half year down, it was my host mom's birthday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
Thus, my host family including me went Indoor Skydiving:)) it was so cool and as soon as I have pictures and videos. I will make a post about it!! After that we went bowling and had a lot of fun.
That's what happened this last month and I'm totally ready for 3 1/2 months moooore:)

See you later:)


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